A bus and a car driving passed fast. It looks like there are ghosts going past and fireworks being let off.
My friend riding past on his bike. The cars remind me of the film ‘Back to the Future’.
My friend doing a wheelie. I took this picture when he got the bike in the air and luckily I got it first time round.
My sister posing. I took this photo when we both finished school.
Man and woman in the chicken and chip shop. I used automatic mode on the camera to take this picture.
My friend’s cousin. I like that he was not prepared for it, but it still looks like he is posing.
My neighbours. To take this picture I knelt down on the wall to get the best angle.
Ben teaching Nursery. I find this very picture funny, because of Ben’s face and hand.

There is a grave yard in my head
A cemetery of the almost dead
Spirits like water ghost rise like mist from the seas
Vampires, zombies and duppies
Spirits shoot across the doom
The moon is full and the
Wind sighs, lights like bullets
Like fire works,
Evil blue hurt.
0m 20s
Listen to Carsal recite his poem